Upgrading to an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system will reduce costs, increase efficiency, and reduce pollution as the meters can be read remotely instead of requiring staff to drive by each home and business. The investment in smart AMI technology will save money for BSMWC and our shareholders.

Over time, moving water can wear down parts inside meters. Due to the age of the existing meters in our system, they are scheduled for replacement. BSMWC is upgrading equipment at homes and businesses, and many shareholders already have the new AMI meters installed.

Shareholders do not need to be home or take any action on the new meter installation. There is no additional charge for this upgrade.

The new meters will help BSMWC quickly identify and respond to system leaks by providing real-time information about water use. As a result, BSMWC will be able to provide more reliable service while reducing costs and water waste.